2024 Flourishing in the City: Virtual Gathering 08/02/2024

When:  Aug 2, 2024 from 02:00:00 PM to 03:30:00 PM (ET)

In this interactive and reflective webinar, educators in Christian schools will explore effective strategies and habits for handling stress and feeling overwhelmed. Dr. Justina Jenkins and Darrell Gillespie, Head of Family Ministry and Dean of Students for Hope Academy, will lead us through meaningful discussions as we generate practical ideas on how to reach our goal of shaping an environment that promotes peace and resilience in the face of difficult and stressful situations. This session will also delve into how teachers can support students in managing their stress and developing the skills to respond to and recover from challenges effectively. Participants will leave with actionable insights and a strengthened sense of community support.

If you have any questions, please contact the Ministry Team at ministry@acsi.org.